The Rev. Daniel G.C. Wu

First Chinese Episcopal priest in the United States

He is on the list of the liturgical commemoration within the Episcopal Church

First minister for True Sunshine Church and Church of Our Saviour

Lay the foundation for the Chinese missionary work in the U.S. – “Bring these man and women and children within the influence of the gospel and the church”
為美國華人事工作奠定基礎 – “將這些男女和兒童置於福音和教會的影響之中”

A loving husband to Won King Yoak, and father to Thomas, Mary, Lila, and Elizabeth

一個慈愛的丈夫(伍温琼玉師母)一個和藹仁慈的父親 (衛信 ,若蓮,若慈,若梅)

“In the 33 years that I have served True Sunshine missions, I have found my work very pleasant, very interesting and most comforting. I am very grateful indeed, that I have been give the chance to serve God among my Chinese people”

The Rev. Daniel G.C. Wu

“在我為兩間真日光教堂服務的33年裡,我的工作非常愉快,有趣和感到安慰满足。 我非常感激我有機會在我的國民中服侍上帝“


Angel Island & Pier/Wharf Passes

Father Wu was the first Chinese provided with authorized passes to minister to Chinese immigrants passing through the Port of San Francisco in the early 1930's.

Father Wu serving . Church

Loving God, we give thanks for Daniel Wu and his work among the Chinese immigrants
whose lives he touched in his day:
By the power of your Holy Spirit give to your Church compassion and respect for all people, wherever they reside,
that, inspired by your love, every community might be filled with your wisdom and call forth leaders
to guide your flock in faithfulness to the Eternal Word, Jesus Christ;
who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Revised Lesser Feasts and Fasts

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